Friday, August 12, 2011

just start somewhere

I have had some weird funk going on lately. Wanting to write again but being afraid. Needing to try and do something new but not sure what that is. Afraid to, for no real reason at all. Overwhelmed by blog land, and all the creative people out there. Feeling like every idea I had to post about someone else had as well, and they had posted about it 2 hours ago. Working through the funk, is what I decided to do, and just started typing. Here we are. A list of designers on a post it note here next to me. ... We will see where this goes from here. No, I am not certain on what road this will take. Yes, I do have lots of big ideas, but I am not going to keep throwing them out instead of sharing. I have loved a few posts from other bloggers recently that helped motivate me to go ahead. Share, whatever it is. We all have something to share and wether we feel like it or not, it may be just what someone else needs to hear.

freeze a moment

Its been one of "those days". I had a serious game plan set up. It even involved my alarm going off at 6 am. Seriously. I believe ended with the alarm being shut off at 6:01. I really had great intentions. Yes, maybe you could call it "nesting" or just loving the feeling of accomplishment as it feels cleaner and less cluttered around here than it did yesterday. Then, 2pm.... nap time still hadn't happened for little one, and neither had grocery shopping, "work clothes" shopping for husband, or many other things that were going to have been "accomplished" by that point in the day according to the original plan. Little one began to whine for the gazillionth time and I grabbed him in a bear hug and the tickling commenced. I decided to let the list go. Let the frustration that it was not going to ALL be done today-- GO and focus on that moment. He was curled in my arms, eyes closed squealing with delight as I tickled his neck and tummy. His little giggles were so tender. I wish we could freeze time, that was a moment I would freeze.